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February 10, 2025
Finished Uneven 9-Patch Quilt from A Little Bit Biased

 Hello friends! On November 30th, I shared a free pattern (on my blog) for an Uneven 9-patch quilt and today, I want to share my finished quilt! (Click HERE for my original post about starting this project.)

I wanted to make a 2-color quilt for my king-size bed using these two fabrics I designed.  The cream fabric is called Seeing Stars for the Hush Hush 4 low-volume collection for Riley Blake Designs.  And the green fabric is called Sketchy Leaves for my Feels Like Home collection with RBD.

I worked on the quilt top throughout December 2024 and finished it ...

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December 1, 2024
Two-Color Uneven 9-Patch Quilt Free Pattern from A Little Bit Biased

 Hi there!  I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday if you live in the USA!
We did things a little differently this year and went out to eat in Deer Valley, UT. 
It was a winter wonderland there, as you can see.  We had a great time, relaxing and spending time with friends.

Over the last couple of days I have been writing instructions for a new project I am going to start soon.
I've talked a little bit about it on Instagram...

I've been wanting to make another 2-color quilt.  I made a green and white ...

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October 21, 2022
New Pattern - In Motion Quilt from Baby Boomer Quilting Bee

Introducing --- In Motion

I often talk about favorite blocks or vintage designs incorporated in my patterns.  The Irish Chain is one of those favorites, however I wanted something different using a wide variety of fabrics and/or scraps.  

The Motion in this design moves from right to left and uses large background pieces making the movement obvious.

Far Out! ... The Fat Quarter Shop * announced they were expecting a fabric line designed by Maureen McCormick!  My excitement to make this quilt using the Blooming Bunch Fabric Line by Maureen for Moda, was off the chart.  I grew up watching the Brady ...

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July 25, 2022
Red and Ecru from Humble Quilts

Here is a primitive adorable crib size quilt I picked up when I was back in New England. It has no batting and is such a fun goofy perfect little tied quilt!

I would have been a lot easier to use red squares. The maker put together half square triangles instead!
The binding is red on 3 sides and ecru on the 4th side. 

The cetner is only a fold line, not a seam. The seam is about 2" to the left of the fold. 

Lots of little stitches are holding that binding in place. 

Looks like summer had finally ...

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July 8, 2022
Uptown July Blocks and MORE! from Humble Quilts

My July blocks of Uptown are complete. I like to lay out all of the completed blocks, but my sewing room is a creative disaster right now! Which is good, but I like to work in a clean room!

I thought I'd share the quilts I've made that Gay at Sentimental Stitches has patterned from antique quilts she owns. She does such a great job and so accurate! 
Here's the link to her shop where you can find all of these and MORE!- HERE

1857 Album block

I eliminated some blocks to keep the size in check ...

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March 30, 2022
Infinite Variety Revisited 2022 from Humble Quilts

It is official! Quilts from the Red and White exhibit will be on display April 1, 2022 to September 10, 2022 at the International Quilt Museum in Lincoln Nebraska!

Fleur de Lis

The International Quilt Museum’s Quilt of the Month comes from the upcoming exhibition, Joanna S Rose Collection of Red and White Quilts, on view from April 1st to September 11th in the West Gallery. Mrs. Rose’s collection of Red and White quilts became a memorable part of quilt history when her husband partnered with The American Folk Art Museum to display over 600 of her red ...

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March 28, 2022
Blue Baskets from Humble Quilts

Blue Baskets!
I always have these 
"pinch me" moments when I see one of my quilts in print. 
American Patchwork and Quilting really does a lovely job from start to finish! 

Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting magazine. ©2022 Meredith Operations Corporation. All rights reserved.

 Looks so lovely in this setting!

Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting magazine. ©2022 Meredith Operations Corporation. All rights reserved.

I'm a sucker for the half blocks. I was inspired by an antique quilt in scrappy colors. I had these precious indigoes, from friends, hand dyed by me and purchased. Thank you ...

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March 21, 2022
Steppin' Out Class from Humble Quilts

I finished my little quilt project for class last night. 
Oh my goodness, I love it!

I'm calling this Steppin' Out since I really feel like I'm taking a giant leap into my quilting business by doing a regular online class. My Etsy store is going well and I have several guild bookings, online and in person. I'm super excited to see this year unfold.

Thank you to those who have signed up for my online class! You will get the pattern and Zoom info in the next couple of days. 

If you want to sign up ...

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December 6, 2021
A New Chapter from Humble Quilts

Blue and white quilts always remind me of the snowy mountains in Central Oregon!
I put them on display when the Christmas quilts come down. 

Totality 2017

Now for really big news!

WE SOLD OUR BUSINESS! Papers were signed on Saturday!

We will continue to run the Machine Shop. The work load for paperwork and stress will be so much less! It all happened a little earlier than we anticipated, but the opportunity could not be passed up. 

This is why I mentioned a few posts ago that I will be having more time to sew and create!

I'd ...

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April 21, 2021
» Selvage Blog

This two-color scrap quilt is fast and fun to make, see pattern here: Far Horizon.

Cut a bunch of scraps by eye, using scissors. 
Trim with a rotary cutter after sewing the strips. 
This is the fast way to do it. No hassle.

Even though the scraps are different heights, it's easy to get a nice straight horizon. 
And I love that contrast line. I want to try purple and yellow next time.
This is a twin size. But a wall size for my quilt room would be nice.

And here's a tip for new quilters: When pinning ...

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December 23, 2020
Christmas Quilt Inspiration from Humble Quilts

I thought I'd share a few random photos of quilts that would be relatively easy to make for the holidays. (maybe not 2020 holiday) 

I'm inspired by red and white quilts all over again!
Look at this simple little cutie. (circa PA 1900)

International Quilt Study Museum
Kansas Troubles (circa 1999) From on line block swap.

Simple, but effective setting for pinwheel blocks.
1846 DAC Made by Amanda Carr. DAR Museum & the Quilt Index.
Triple Irish Chain (circa 2011)

Jo Kramer and her daughter made and designed this. It's darling! Free pattern HERE
So much inspiration in ...

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December 18, 2020
Swiss Cross Redeux from Humble Quilts

I've had a chance to sew, but am not ready to show it here yet, so thought I'd share this quilt from 2 years ago. I called it Swiss Cross and you can find the directions HERE

I think I need to make a few more red and white little quilts this coming year! This one is so charming!!

Have a great weekend!


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December 17, 2020
Quilt Reveal: Blue Ornaments from High Road Quilter

 As usual, in December, the photo quality is much diminished.  Today, I want to introduce you to Blue Ornaments, my mini quilt of the month for the month of December. 

This little quilt provided a little distraction from the Quote Quilt until I realized I am going to add fusible to the backing, and not the front of the quilt. This means, I can keep adding more stuff to the Quote Quilt while I prepare the backing and fusible. I'll show you my additions to the Quote Quilt in another post.

In the meantime, this little quilt is a ...

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September 23, 2020
Two color Quilts- The Sapphire Exhibit from Humble Quilts

I received my blue and white quilts back from Houston QuiltFest. I'm sharing them with you today! 

And if you prefer the link you can click HERE

Now a few photos from our week away. 
I'll let the photos speak for themselves. To get to the lake was a tough 9miles, but we stayed 4 nights and hiked around. It was nice not to pick up every night and move. 

Then we stayed 3 nights in a cute primitive cabin. 

When you see signs like this, you take is seriously and take precautions. When backpacking in bear country ...

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June 24, 2020
~ Stitching Sunshine Blog Hop ~ from Podunk Pretties

Hello Quilting Friends!  Today is my day in the Stitching Sunshine Blog Hop hosted by Carla over at Creatin' in the Sticks.  

When I saw the sign ups for this blog I knew I had to join in because I was already making something yellow. My project is a quilt called Hunkering Down. This quilt block is free printable PDF here on my blog.  You can find the post with the link to the PDF by CLICKING HERE.  

Unfortunately, my quilt isn't finished due to my decision to quilt it to death.  The quilting has a lot of ruler ...

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February 19, 2020
Orange peel blocks from Northern Deb Quilts

The orange peels blocks are coming along. I made a cardboard template, cut a bunch of ovals and started to applique them onto the white background. 
They're really quick blocks. I'll have quite a pile when I get back home. 

Al and I took a ride to Dunedin this afternoon. They have one of my favorite quilt shops there and it's going to be closing. Everything is 40% off. I REALLY don't need much fabric but it's fun to look.
I did buy this cute stripe. It's perfect for binding on a future quilt ...

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January 31, 2020
Next in line... from Northern Deb Quilts

I'm working on an old that I really love. Years ago I taught a class and sewed up a class sample. I made a few extra blocks as I taught how the blocks went together. I usually use solids to test blocks then when I get enough, I make a solid scrappy sampler quilt. But these were all in blue and white so I saved them for a two color quilt.
This block below is what I stitched up today after taking apart a block I didnt like.
I think this was "cups and saucers" block....usually ...

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January 22, 2020
Mesmerizing Two Color Quilts from Quilted Joy

Every year the Kentucky State Fair chooses to highlight a particular category of quilt. The style they choose is then its own category for the fair. In 2019 the category was two color quilts. There is something mesmerizing about many of these two color quilts. They are beautiful in their simplicity and intriguing in their complexity. Whatever they are, they are definitely a style worth trying sometime!

Two Color Quilts at the Fair

Carol shows off her brown and cream quilt after renting a longarm machine at Quilted Joy

For those that attended the fair this year, you might recognize this one. Carol made this specifically to enter into the fair. The pattern is “Diamonds in ...

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January 7, 2020
Two-Color Irish Chain QAL from A Little Bit Biased

Happy New Year!

You guys asked and I am delivering!  The other day on Instagram, I posted my plans for making a two-color Irish Chain quilt.  I had so many of you say you've always wanted to make one and a handful of you asked if I was going to do a quilt-along so here we are!  Let's do this!

Let me warn you though, this is going to be very informal.  No prizes and no pattern you have to buy.  Just a beautiful, classic quilt at the end of this!  Here are the details:


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November 4, 2019
Special Sapphire Exhibit from Humble Quilts

I'll let the quilts speak for themselves. 
Every time I walked by the quilts hanging high, I couldn't help but snap a photo!! 

My Brick Wall of Wabash County quilt directly above me in the middle,
 designed by Tara at Quilters Ridge. 

My 25 patch Road to Paducah quilt.

My Road to California quilt. (creative names, huh?)

Most of the others are vintage or antique blue and white. 

I hope you are inspired!

Let's have an amazing week!

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